in our college or school, wifi protected with user name and password and these type of proxy wifi android yet not supported so by using drony app we can run whatsapp messenger and playstore in android... to configure drony follow these steps.... 1. install Drony app . 2. now go to android setting>wifi>long press your wifi network>modify network setting>check show advance option> set proxy setting to manual > change proxy host name to localhost> set proxy port to 8020> and save it drony app> setting >uncheck proxy visible from outside > proxy port 8020 > go down and in network press wifi > select your wifi network (you should see localhost:8020) > set proxy type manual > set your domain name or hostname that is diff. diff. for diff. wifi > set your port>domain or real m to home > enter user name and password>now go to 1st tab (home) and ON the drony app............. DONE..... :)